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NY's in Pacific City - The Amy & Jim Years

Amy and Jim were partners with Dave & Lisa back in the day. They joined us in our annual New Year’s festivities two years: 2015 & 2016. We’d lost both to break-ups a while ago, and later lost Jim forever to a stroke. So as it turned out, this video was more emotionally draining for me than I had imagined (yes, I am a sap). Dare I mention that all the dogs in the pics are also gone. Hang on tight to those you hold dear; you never know…

The music was difficult for me. I struggled and nearly gave up a couple times, but I got it finished and actually ended up liking it a lot. I wrote it as I put the video together which is very challenging – but ultimately, the music I write in that manner always becomes the most rewarding as well. Well… enough about me. How about those Mariners.

Stop me if you've heard this before: These things look and sound much better on a larger screen and with speakers or headphones. I'm just saying...


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